Thursday, September 6, 2012

the first of many

I fell in love with events in January of 2006. It was my first A Midwinter Night's Dream event and if I close my eyes, I can still feel the magic that was in the air that night. I had always loved anything that involved people coming together for a good time- whether it be helping my mother prepare for Christmas Eve, the largest event of the year in my home, or simply coming up with different ways to set the dinner table to make a meal more fun. But it wasn't until that winter that I realized I could make a career out of my silly obsession with parties. Fast forward through six and a half years of craziness as an events obsessed teenager-turned-professional-special-events-director, and I am proud to say that I am very much still in love with all aspects of events.

A Midwinter Night's Dream serves as our inspiration- very simply put, it's what brought us together and is the one night of the year that reminds us that anything truly is possible. It's our dream to be able to bring the feeling of magic and hope that sits inside Oheka Castle one night a year to each and every event we work on.

Since it has become obvious that we cannot have a blog without rambling about this thing we call "A Midwinter Night's Dream" aka "AMND" or simply sometimes just "THE event", we feel it's only fair we share some of our photos from throughout the years. While we have little to do with the fundraising aspect of AMND anymore (the high school committee focuses on that), we are obsessed heavily involved in the aesthetics of the night. Try as we may, every December we seem to find ourselves knee high in table cards, floral arrangements, ribbon and cellophane, and if I'm being totally honest, I love every second of it. 

The entrance to Oheka Castle
The castle is breathtaking- and for one day a year we take over!
We create our own table cards, table numbers, centerpieces (not our best this year, but that's another story) and favors.

The Raffle Room, a completely female domain, is filled with over 80 raffle items each year.

We put most of them together ourselves and create table tents and raffle bags for each item.
Our favorite new addition is Deal or No Diamond. Inside one of those boxes is a gorgeous diamond necklace (!)
It has taken a long time to perfect the look of the presentation in the ballroom, but I'd say we have it down pat now. How awesome does that look?

We also have the most incredible and generous photographer, Sam Levitan! Visit him here.


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